Open Source Platform.

- There is an opportunity to execute the code in any way one wishes and for whatever reason one wishes.
- The code can be conveyed uninhibitedly, either without cost or with a charge.
- The source code can be known and altered completely.
- Changes to the code can likewise be uninhibitedly circulated with or without cost.

Open source contribution can be.
an astounding learning experience

Subsystem Maintainer
Simple and for the most part free
admittance to the web has brought
about the developing utilization of
the open-source platforms.

The Open Source platform
maintenance measure is formal
even anybody can submit
changes or imperfection reports to its projects.

In the event that a piece of
programming is open source,
its source code is unreservedly
accessible for alteration,
rearrangement, and business use.
Content Management System
A Content Management System [CMS] is a product stage that allows its clients to users, alter, document, team up, report, distribute, circulate and advise.
- WordPress
- Joomla
- Drupal

Model View Controller
Model–view–controller is a software design pattern commonly used for developing user interfaces that divide the related program logic into three interconnected elements.
- Codeigniter
- Zend 2 Framework
- Cake PHP
- Laravel
- Symfony
- Slim Framework (REST)
- Yii Framework

Working hours
were spent
Clients We
work for.
Social Proof Ninja | Helping business owners make more sales
Helping business owners make more sales
Sports Rehabilitation & Exercises – SportsInjuryClinic
Sports rehabilitation – principles of, for specific sports injuries, sports massage, strapping and taping, early, mid and late stage exercises.
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