Cloud Development

Cloud development alludes to the creation and arrangement of cloud applications, which are a sort of exceptionally advanced web application.

GateTouch is having about 10 years of experience in providing cloud-based services with its exceptional workforce and skills. Cloud development service is a kind of service that is available for users whenever they demand services from cloud computing provider.

We provide cloud development services in all three types Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service, and software as a Service. We also assist in understanding key challenges in dealing with cloud-based services and help in overcoming the same.

Content Management System (CMS) - Gatetouch
Mobile Application Development - Gatetouch

With the advent of cloud-based services, there are savings in the cost of about 30 to 60 percent, and resources are also optimized. We also assist in plan a cloud app to meet your business needs, provide cost and time estimates, design appropriate architecture, establishing CCoE, etc.

Cloud development empowers you to keep up with information respectability and information recuperation. Designers who don’t utilize cloud will have less secure programming and PC networks that can bring about loss of key information and hacking.

Application Transformation

Corporate apps are managed in a better
way in this stage. Apps are transformed
into online apps in three tranchesnamely
Partial refactoring, Liftand shift,
and Refactoring.

Network Transformation

Application addresses traffic destination
and routes it towards the business data
center or out towards the web.

Security Transformation

Traffic passes through filters much like
a UTM device, except the infrastructure is
multi-tenant and scalable.

Gatetouch benefit working with Cloud application:

  • Ensure that you understand exactly why you are implementing SaaS
  • Logiciel Lab note down exactly what you need in order to help you achieve the reason why you are implementing SaaS in the first place
  • With experience resource and knowledge reduce time to benefit.
  • With our SaaS experience and knowledge implementation cost become very less compare to other SaaS service provider.
  • Make sure that employees are properly trained.

Some SaaS applications which we have integrated for our clients include:

  • Windows Azure
  • Google Apps
  • Magento Go
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Microsoft CRM online

Our Cloud
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